Why this name?

BlueOnyx on Raspberry Pi

This is an Beta rebuild of BlueOnyx 5209R as 5109R for Raspberry Pi.
The installation is a little bit awkward but the web ui looks fine.
I did not configure any real services until now, but this is where you can start.

If you want to try out BlueOnyx on Raspberry Pi you first need the CentOS arm image.
This is original installation guide, here are the relevant commands:
You need to download the image for your board from here. (Until now I was only able to test anything else than a raspberry pi model 2b, i am not sure if my packages work on pi 3 based system as well). The packages work on RPi 2 or RPi 3 based CentOS image.
Make sure what device your sd card (4GB minimum required, 32GB+ recommended).

write image to card
xzcat CentOS-Userland-7-armv7hl-Minimal-$RELEASE-$MODEL.img.xz | dd of=/dev/path/to/sd/card status=progress bs=4M ; sync
network setup
dhcp required
root password
Now log in for the first to to your CentOS on Raspberry Pi
use the full capacity of the sd card
update to latest package level
yum -y update ; sync ; reboot
Make sure you change the root password immediately.
Now you have a basic centos system on arm, next step is to follow the blueonyx installation guide for manual installation. Main difference is at the moment, you have to create the repo path with an editor:
create repo for blueonyx
cat > /etc/yum.repos.d/blueonyx.repo << EOR
name=BlueOnyx Raspberry Beta $basearch

Avoid install order problems
/usr/sbin/useradd -c "Admserv" -u 49 -s /sbin/nologin -r -d /usr/sausalito/ui admserv
Install all packages
yum groupinstall -y blueonyx 2>&1 | tee ~/install-bx.log
Wait for long running processes
ps auxwf
remove "original" repo file
rm -fv /etc/yum.repos.d/BlueOnyx.repo
touch /etc/yum.repos.d/BlueOnyx.repo
Network Settings (for blueonyx)
Reboot (required)
Now point your browser to port 444 (GUI via HTTP) or port 81 (GUI via HTTPS). This starts the setup wizard.

Known problems

Wrong library path in config file (lib64 instead of lib)
maybe a firewalld and/or iptables zombie is around, total elimination
yum remove firewalld firewalld-filesystem
install order / package dependencies
Some package dependecies are not fully specified, it helps to reinstall those packages before reboot using yum reinstall
generating dh-keys takes very long
dovecot/ssl_parms and sendmail/openssl take about 30 minutes each to generate dh keys for perfect forward privacy. It does not look like a entropy problems because there is lot of entropy avaliable and this task is cpu bound not in io wait state.

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